As a ghostwriter who does a fair amount of public speaking about connecting with your audience through books and web content, I get one question at almost every event. What do I do about publishing my book?
We all know big names like Rachel Hollis or Glennon Doyle, who have huge platforms and sell piles of books after landing traditional publishing contracts. But what about the indie authors who go from no audience to bestseller lists and a cult following?
In 2021, the algorithm gifted me Ashleigh Renard, who’s first book, Swing, was a runaway success. The algorithm thought I’d like her because I was deep into writing sexual health content for clients, and Ashleigh’s storytelling immediately drew me in. Over time, I’ve recommended her social media to clients as a model for how self-published authors can connect with their readers. She’s witty, authentic, and knows how to turn her experiences into marketing gold.
When I learned she’d launched Renard McGillen Author Services with editor Jamie McGillen, author of The Rainier Series, I couldn’t resist reaching out.
Since I regularly explores publishing options for my clients, including Amazon KDP…